There are many things to do and see when it comes to renovating an old home. Fortunately, there are many options for upgrading a home without losing its character. From refinishing your wood floors to restoring your windows, there are many ways to keep your home looking its best for years to come. The best part is you don’t have to break the bank.
The best way to start your renovation project is to take a look at your home with an open mind. Look for the areas you love most, and those features that need a little updating. Depending on the age of your home, you might be able to save a few bucks by replacing a section of your floors or a few walls. When deciding on a project, be sure to check out the contractor’s references. Getting a referral is a great way to weed out the lesser quality work.
Using neutral colors is the best bet. While bold colors aren’t going to go out of style anytime soon, it might be time to tone it down a bit. Aside from the obvious upgrades, consider incorporating some vintage charm into the mix. One of the best ways to achieve this is to include a statement art piece. For example, if you’re a fan of western decor, you might want to look into adding a vintage side table. This small item might even inspire you to incorporate some of the other small touches into your overall design scheme.
Another nifty little item is the snazzy best bathroom vanity. You can get creative with a storage solution like walk-in closets, and add in some organization systems. Other ideas include custom cabinets and antique shelving units. However, make sure to check the codes. Your older home may have hidden hazards. If so, you’re best bet is to fix those first.
Of course, the big kahuna is to install the most up-to-date electrical and plumbing wiring. These upgrades will not only keep your home functioning properly, they’ll help you avoid major headaches down the road. Finally, consider installing weather-stripping on your windows to minimize the dreaded drafts.
While it’s easy to find a plethora of information on how to renovate an old home, you should be smart about what to do. Taking the time to do the right thing will not only save you a fortune down the road, but will make your home more enjoyable to live in. Plus, you’ll know you’ve achieved the best possible result. After all, it’s not often you can say you’ve purchased the best home on the block. Whether you’re planning to sell or stay in your house, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that it’s as spick and span as the day it was built. To that end, be sure to implement the proper precautions for lead-safe renovations. It’s not just about preventing heavy metal contamination, but also keeping your family safe. If you need a high quality home remodeling service in St. Petersburg visit